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Social Media Advertising

Considering Social Media Advertising

Spending money on advertising isn't required to find success on social media. Advertising is an option to consider on almost all social platforms, but it doesn't replace the power of creating engaging content and offering excellent online customer service.

If you're feeling confident with your current social media marketing efforts and want to consider advertising, review your options with these informative guides:

Boosting Posts

Boosting is a straightforward method of social media advertising that increases the reach of your posts. Social media posts that are boosted are often seen and engaged with by more people. Here's how it's done:


  1. Pick an existing post on your Facebook page that you want to boost.
  2. Click Boost Post on the bottom right corner of your Facebook post.
  3. Choose your audience. If you want to make sure your post is seen by people who are already following you, you can select “People who like your page and their friends.” If you want more people in your local community to see your post and learn about your agency, you can select “People in your local area.” You can also create a custom audience using location and other demographics.
  4. Set your boosted post's budget and duration. Facebook will estimate how many people your post will reach based on what you select.
  5. Complete the process by clicking the Boost post now button.


  1. Pick an existing post on your Instagram page that you want to boost.
  2. Click Boost Post on the bottom right corner of your Instagram post.
  3. Select a goal by determining whether you want more profile visits, website visits or messages.
  4. Choose an audience. After choosing your goal, you can pick from three different targeting options: Automatic, Local and Manual. Automatic tells Instagram to target people who are just like your followers, Local lets you target people in a specific location, and Manual lets you create a custom audience based on location and interests.
  5. Set your budget and duration. Instagram will estimate the expected reach and clicks that your post will attract based on your selections.
  6. Complete the process by clicking the Create Promotion button.

Facebook Advertising: Traffic Campaigns

There are many types of Facebook ads, but the primary ad objective we'd like to highlight is Traffic. Traffic ad campaigns focus on reaching your target audience on Facebook and Instagram and sending them to your website, where they can learn more and get in touch with you.

Here's how to create a Traffic ad campaign on Facebook:

  1. Log in to Facebook Business Manager at
  2. Select Ads Manager in the left column.
  3. Click the Create button.
  4. In the “Choose a Campaign Objective” section, selected Traffic under the “Consideration” section.
  5. Facebook will walk you through the steps:
    • Name your campaign.
    • Toggle on “Campaign Budget Optimization” and enter your lifetime budget for the campaign.
    • Toggle on “Dynamic creative.”
    • Choose the start and end dates of your ad campaign schedule.
    • Create a target audience using Facebook's location and other demographic features.
    • Select “Automatic placements.”
    • Select “Landing Page Views” in the “Optimization and delivery” section.
    • Upload your ad image or video and write your ad copy (including primary post text, a headline, a link description for your website and a call to action; also, enter your website's URL).
  6. When finished, click the “Publish” button in the bottom-right corner.

Your ad will begin running on its scheduled start date. Return to Facebook Business Manager frequently to check its progress, review the results and make adjustments as needed.

Here are a few tips on ad creative:

  • Upload a short brand awareness video or an image of people enjoying one of the products you help them insure. For example, if you offer auto insurance, try making your ad image a photo of someone smiling as they're driving a car.
  • You can enter up to five options for primary text, headlines and link descriptions. We recommend utilizing all five because Facebook will test each copy option and optimize your ad for the best performance.
  • Try using the “Learn more” or “Get quote” call to action buttons.

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